
"All The Mulders" by Alloway - A Review

      "All The Mulders" is a post- colonisation fan fiction. The story is set 50 years after the colonisation itself, with only a few humans left. Although, Scully is among them Mulder is not and only at the end the reader will get some closure. Albeit, not everything will be revealed!

      Even half an hour after I read the story, not everything was clear- if anything is clear at all.
First of all, one should not think too much while reading this story or else confussion will set in shortly after the second paragraph. However, if finished with it a good thought should be applied to it or else the story only will be labled as "scum" or too confusing to follow....
Second, one should pay close attention to the _articles_. When an "a" is used it is merely only an "a" and afterall, it *has* a different meaning than a "the" or no article at all!       Although, I still cannot comprehend why the aliens would let any human survive. Come to think of it- maybe as security meassures to still have DNA samples at hand should problems surface?! So they would be able to continue conducting their experiments?! And they really think they are able to get away with it, while Scully still is a human herself?!
      However, Scully is the only human that actually is acting- the others are only mentioned as a faceless crowed, still living there on their island. Despite the fact that Scully acts a little out of character here- well it is an alternative universe after all, so there is some leeway the author should get.

      Anyway, this is not a straight story, it rather is something to get thinking by oneself. A what-if story. One that might as well have a sequel some might say, but isn't it more interesting to end the story in my own mind?
There are so many possiblities for that and since it is a 'think for yourself' piece already - go for it!
A well written piece, something like "Pulp Fiction" or a puzzle. Only this time the whole picture is in _your_ head!