
"Taming the Unicorn" by Imajiru - A Review

      This is a pure MSR story with a twist. Though this twist is not the newest one, other stories have dealt with it too. The twist is that Scully remained a virgin until the very day this tale starts.

      Being somewhat surprised as to how it starts off and being pushed into the cold water without any warning, the reader has to adjust to the story. Though, this does not last very long as does the interest one might have in the story. Within the first part the issue is described and somewhat dealt with and then there are 14 other parts! Although, some of them are interesting and hold the reader as a prisoner of them others just don't.
      Sometimes I was compelled to just let it go, for I know not why this story got into a list that is called "Classic X Files FanFiction". It is not _that_ good you know!? It is rather standart. Although, one piece was very good for me, the part in which they start to fight because Mulder ran over Scully's foot.
Then again, maybe I am just a little bit prejudice to that one for almost the same happened to me not so long ago *however, I did not know the driver of the car before the accident*.
      Still, even this part did not last very long and the story moved forward to all too well known territory. Which in itself tents to get old very fast. In the long run I had to realize that the point of view was- in the end- wrong too, because one certain person is telling the story to another certain person and this just does not add up to a narrator in the third person....
      The best parts were those in which both of them fought, for whatever ridiculous reasons (although the foot was a good reason ;) ) Yet, the last part with all those rules is somewhat funny too.

      Altogether, this story does not belong into the category of 'classics', despite the fact that I would not know if I could do it any better. Although, I am not sure if I would attempt to write a story in which either of them is a virgin until her/ his thirty + birthday in the first place....
      I for one have read better stories which are not mentioned in this list of classics....