
"The Unicorn Tamed" by Imajiru - A Review

      "The Unicorn Tamed" is similar to the author's other story "Taming The Unicorn". Both stories contain the same theme, both dealing with one of the main characters still being a virgin. In this fan fiction it is Mulder's turn.

      However, this piece of work is, compared to "Taming The Unicorn" rather good. Yet, it is not one of the pieces I would select as a 'classic'. Although, it holds the interest of the reader in a better way than it's twin. For one it contains some Mulder torture and angst, yet not too much of it to sent the reader running for the hills. Therefore, the reader, in a way at least, *wants* to know how it will happen for Mulder and how he will overcome the obstacles in his journey there.
      Despite that, there will be arising many questions along the way, additional to the fact that in some scenes the characters are all but 'in character'.
One question is, in one of the latter parts, how it can be that one guy is screwing so many women and none of them gets pregnant _and_ not even once there is a mention of him practicing safer sex.
Another one is, how one can be so forgiving as Scully is. Surely, it is not only the love for him that lets her act the way she does. A deeper characterization of her after the incident would have been nice too. On the contrary, Mulder running away and doing just what she told him to do?!
Well, he is a rather intelligent person, although in this story there is given an explanation for his alien behavior.

      However, I would have ended the story right after he finally archieved his goal. Although, the story itself follows the original drama scheme. Still, it is a too mechanical way to do so. Because the fanfic already achieved it's end in part 7 - 'Culmination', only to be resurrected for the demanded impeding moment by this very scheme. However, this moment is suppossed to be placed within the actual story (or did I miss out on one major aspect of it within my literature classes?! - Would be awful considering I'm going to take my exam in this subject....), rather then to be put to it as an afterthought.
      Altogether, I would put this story in the category of being as entertaining as a bad blockbuster. One endures it only because the ticket was paid for, yet it is not boring enough to go back to the counter to asked the money back.
Good enough, for a quicky, yet nothing too consuming and if there ever something important comes along the way it can be easily left without any second thoughts and regrets.